What To Expect

woman on phone smiling

Appointment Day: What to Expect?
Thank you for choosing Axelix Health Consulting, Inc., (AHCI) office of Dr. Olusegun Ogunlesi for your medical needs. We are pleased to have you come, and look forward to your first visit with us.

Our mission at AHCI is to provide high quality; excellent and compassionate care to our patients. Registration paperwork can either be downloaded or printed from our website:
www.axelixhc.com, click on new patient, scroll down and print the first four PDF documents under your first visit. You can print; complete the form, fax back to 440-375-8842 or email back to [email protected]. Completion of these documents prior to your appointment may shorten your appointment time.

At your first visit, you can expect the following activities to take place:

1) Check-In

  1. Completion of registration paperwork and medical history form
  2. Present identification card and insurance card
  3. Co-pays are due during the check-in process
  4. Patient is taken to the exam room by the nurse or medical assistant

2) Nurse or Medical Assistant Encounter

  1. Patient is roomed by the nurse or medical assistant
  2. Past and current medical history information is obtained
  3. Vital signs i.e. weight, height, temperature, blood pressure, pulse etc. are obtained

3) Physician Encounter

  1. Physician meets and introduces himself/herself to patient
  2. Physician goes over previous medical history as documented in the chart
  3. Current medical condition is reviewed and discussed with the patient in detail
  4. Treatment plan is explained to the patient
  5. Patient asks the physician any question relating to their medical treatment

4) Check-out

  1. Blood draws may be performed if ordered
  2. If at a different facility, laboratory or radiology requisition forms are given to the patient
  3. Visit summary is printed and handed to the patients
  4. Instructions on the visit summary are reviewed with the patient
  5. Office makes any necessary referral appointment for the patient
  6. Follow-up appointment is scheduled if necessary

Thank you for coming to Axelix Health Consulting, Inc. See you at your follow-up appointment. If you have any questions during your visit, at end of your visit or after your visit, do not hesitate to contact the office at 440-867-4800 or via email at [email protected]